Be friendly to make more sales in your retail business
Be friendly to make more sales in your retail business

Be friendly to make more sales in your retail business

Be friendly to make more sales in your retail business

Do you want to make more sales? 

One of the best tips to increase your sales is creating humor while making a sales presentation.

Add humor to build rapport.

You need to add humor to build rapport. Don’t make humor by making fun of someone. Be professional and at the same time, add humor in your conversation to engage customers.

Customers can relate to you

The story you tell to customers should be related to the product you want to sell. Tell them, how this particular product is useful to you. Keep your story simple and brief. Create interest by telling short stories. Long stories make them feel bored. Small stories keep customers engaged.  

Concentrate on your body language

Customers notice your body language. Make eye contact while you are listening to them. Nodding your head when customers are talking to you leaves a good impression on you.  

Make customers feel comfortable

A friendly approach is needed while making sales. Customers lack interest when you are too professional. You can interact with customers in the native language so that you get to know your customers more and you can sell more.  

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